Blood has since time immemorial been associated with our spirituality. Every human being has blood and every blood is unique and sacred so the bible says that whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed; for God made man in his own image, Genesis 9:6

Characteristics of blood

Blood has always been used for sacrifice. Blood is the dwelling place or habitation of the spirit. It is also the vehicle of the spirit in the body. It occupies every part of the physical body. The spirit leaves the body when the blood is spilled or when we die. This is because the spirit then has no dwelling or habitat. 

Blood is life and whoever gives or sacrifices his blood for another shares his life with that person. Blood speaks by the spirit so when Cain killed his brother Abel, the Lord said, the voice of Abel’s blood was crying to Him from the ground, Genesis 4:10. It is the most precious and the highest form of appeasement for offences that mankind commits against a spiritual being. For example, Aaron made atonement once a year to God for his people, Israel, Exodus 30:10

In many cultures as was in Israel, lesser offences required blood of animals whilst grievous transgressions required human blood as a sacrifice for appeasement, restitution or atonement. Before Jesus Christ, failure to appease with blood had consequences such as plagues or calamities. For example the Israelites marked their door post with blood in order to avert the death of their first-born sons prior to the exodus from Egypt, Exodus 12:6-7, 12-13. The animal for the sacrifice was to be without blemish, Exodus 12:5

Animal blood was also used for thanksgiving and show of appreciation or a memorial, Exodus 12:14. It was to demonstrate or show love for a higher being. For example, God told Abraham to sacrifice his only son Isaac for him, Genesis 22.2. Moses used it as a covenant between Israel and God, Exodus 24:8.    

The Blood of Jesus Christ

Jesus’ blood satisfied all the aforesaid requirements for blood sacrifice after his death and continues till his second coming. The blood of Jesus atoned for our sins, John 1:29. It reconciled us to God through, Romans 5:10; 2 Corinthians 5:18. It was granted us free access to God, Ephesians 2:18; Romans 5:2. It was for our eternal cleansing from all sins, 1 John 1:7. It gave us eternal life and the hope of resurrection on the last day, John 6:54

The blood of Jesus confirmed to man that it is God’s nature never to tell lies, Titus 1:2. It justified us by grace as heirs in hope of eternal life, Titus 3:7.  It was one stop shop for our eternal covenant with God of the highest standard, Matthew 26:28; Mark 14:24. It forever bonded us to him and nothing can separate us from his blood, Romans 8:38. It was a triumph over and disarming of the principalities and powers of Satan by making public examples of ridicule of them, Colossians 2:15

Jesus’ blood, being part of the Godhead, is above all things, John 10:30. It compensated for all our weaknesses, 2 Corinthians 12:9. As a sacrificial lamb, Jesus was also without blemish and so has he made us through his blood, 1 Peter 1:18-19. It is only Jesus, whose blood is synonymous with his name, power and authority. It secured us for eternal redemption, Hebrews 9:12-14.

Jesus Christ has already paid the price for our condemnation with his unblemished blood. It is more than enough or sufficient for every situation and circumstances. Will you appropriate it or waste it? Paul says, shall we continue to sin whilst grace abounds, Romans 6:1. A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion, Proverbs 18:2. What is the blood of Jesus to you? Jesus is coming soon.


Teach me dear Lord to appreciate that your blood is all I need. It is my cleansing agent and my source of restoration to my heavenly status. Wash my sins, heal my infirmities and save my soul today as I surrender to you. I thank you Jesus for answered prayers. Amen!!

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