Prior to Jesus’ death, he had prophesied that he would be killed and would rise on the third day, Matthew 16:21. This fact is covered severally or extensively in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. True to Jesus’ word of prophecy, he rose on the third day and it is without dispute. God is not a man that he should lie, Numbers 23:19. Jesus said till heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the law until all is accomplished, Matthew 5:18; Mark 13:31; Luke 21:33. Do we still doubt Jesus?

Visit to the tomb

On the first day of the week after Sabbath after Jesus was crucified, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James,  and Salome went to see the sepulture or tomb where Jesus was buried, Matthew 28:1; Mark 16:2; Luke 24:1; John 20:1. The purpose was to preserve his body with the spices which they had prepared, Luke 24:1. It was early, while it was still dark, Matthew 28:1; John 20:1. Mark however says the sun had risen, Mark 16:2. This shows the zeal and value of women in God’s work and family life.

The aforementioned visitors were those who loved Christ. Jesus meant a lot to them and had influenced their lives in no mean measure. They therefore visited to reciprocate the love of Christ Jesus for them. They sacrificed their first hours of the first day of the first week after the Sabbath for Jesus. Jesus came first in their lives, their minds or thoughts, and in their hearts. They spent their first energies and renewed spirits after their rest on the Sabbath for Jesus.  Will we be the first to visit Jesus?

Their focus was not to chase the pleasures of this world including money or wealth but to preserve Jesus as their savior and messiah. When do we make time for Jesus and for what reason? Is it when we are spent, exhausted, and for selfish reasons or the most refreshing times to his glory?  

Rolled tombstone

They found the stone had been rolled away from the tomb, Matthew 28:2; Mark 16:4; Luke 24:2; John 20:1. They supposed Jesus’ body had been stolen so they enquired from who they saw at the tomb where he had been taken or if they knew who had taken the body away. Luke says there were two angels, Luke 24:4. The other accounts say one angel. The appearance of the angel(s) was like lightning, and his raiment white as snow, Matthew 28:3; Mark 16:5

Mary Magdalene and the others wondered how they would roll away the stone in order to have access to Jesus’ body. They focused on their feeble strength rather than on God. God however works ahead of his children. What we perceive as a problem is an opportunity for God to glorify his name. He lifts our burden when we are with him. He says cast your burden on him for he cares, Matthew 11:28. With men, some things may seem impossible but with God, all things are possible, Matthew 19:26; Mark 9:23; 10:27; 14:36. We should rather always make our request known to God in prayer, Philippians 4:6

We must not allow fear or anxiety to cloud our vision for God or to diminish our purpose in life. They focused on what people said that Jesus’ body would be stolen rather than what Jesus said about his resurrection. This clouded their faith and calmness with anxiety and worries hence they thought Jesus’ body had been stolen. We must not be led astray by what people say but to focus only on what God says by his word. God is ready not to only roll away our burden if we will allow him to do so, but to allow his angels to roll away the tombstones where the enemy has kept us and to also guard the tombs against the plans of the enemy for a testimony to his glory and honour. 

The angels testified about Jesus’ divinity at birth, his ministry, and his resurrection beyond controversy. They are ready to testify for us also if we will be truthful to Jesus. God is waiting for the invitation. He will keep his angels in charge over us to guard us in all our ways, Psalms 91:11.  


Lord Jesus, give us the courage and love to be the first to follow you at all times. Give us the strength of faith to know that you will roll away our challenges in life where we are weak. Keep us focused on you always. In your holy name we pray, Amen!!

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