In the book of Exodus, God appeared to Moses in a flame of burning bush and instructed him to go and deliver his people for their bondage in Egypt. Moses gave at least six reasons in Exodus chapters three to six why he was not qualified for the task. These were to justify that God had made a wrong choice. These excuses are discussed in this write up. 

What did Moses’ excuses mean?

Moses underestimated his God given capacity, potential or competence. This is one of the greatest challenges we face as God’s people. It is also one of the most potent weapons of the devil against God’s people. The devil tempted Jesus three times after Jesus had fasted for forty days and nights, Matthew 4:3-11. Jesus knew the devil’s thoughts so he rebuked him eventually. The devil’s purpose is to test Jesus’ confidence in God, his capacity or potential and his weaknesses. He did not succeed.

Who was Moses in God’s sight?

Before we demean ourselves we must know who we are in God’s sight. We are created in God’s image and likeness, Genesis 1:26-27. We therefore have part of God in us and that is his spirit. It is the breath that made Adam a living soul, Genesis 2:7. God’s spirit and his potential are still with us. Jesus said all things are possible to him who believes, Mark 9:23. Paul said he can do all things through Christ who strengthens him, Philippians 4:13. Once we are God’s creation, we must not demean ourselves or belittle our potential. God created us for a purpose, his glory. If we were inferior in God’s eyes, he will not allow angels who are higher than us to serve us, Hebrews 2:7, 9. God’s spirit in us has no limits. 

Was Moses unique?

Each one of us has God’s unique gift or talent. Moses had a unique gift of unharnessed leadership and bravery. What is your gift and how effectively are you using it?  Jesus cited the parable of the talents to show how we either appreciate or object to God’s gifts, Matthew 25:14-30. Those who effectively used them were rewarded and those who complained and did not use them were condemned. In which category do we fall? In complaining, we disparage God and reduce him to your level. Whatever or whoever we are, we have people who look up to us. We are not as ordinary as we think. We have a lot of untapped potential for God’s glory. Moses almost missed this mark.

What was Moses hiding?

Moses tried to cover up with the excuses for his past murder and status as a fugitive. We cannot cover up our past so let us not try it. God knows our weaknesses and will perfect it by his own design and plan, 2 Corinthians 12:9. All we need is to confess to him with a sincere and open heart of penitence without which we deceive ourselves, 1 John 1:9. God has never said he wants perfect people to work with because there is none except God. We have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, Romans 3:23

The choice of who God calls or uses is God’s sole prerogative. God calls us according to the task ahead, what he wants to accomplish and how he wants it done. Boot for boot, David was no match for Goliath yet God used him. Samuel did not belong to the priestly family by blood yet God used him. Paul persecuted, killed and dispersed the Christians God used him. Peter and the disciples were illiterates, raw fishermen but Jesus called them to be fishers of men, Matthew 4:19; Mark 1:17

Moses’ assignment in Egypt

The liberation of the Jews required Moses’ talents and background but Moses missed the point because he was inward looking. It required signs and wonders and it was God who was going to perform those signs and wonders, Exodus 7:3; Deuteronomy 6:22; 26:28. Moses was going to be just a tool in God’s hands. His excuse had nothing to do with his role that God gave him. Moses was a perfect fit for God’s puzzle for Egypt just as we fit other puzzles in God’s vineyard in other ways. 

Whoever we are, God has a purpose to use us to answer a prayer somewhere. We must just make ourselves available without dictating to God but in total submission. Is God not called the God of miracles, signs and wonders? God perfects our imperfection for his purpose. This does not mean we should continue to sin whilst grace abounds, Romans 6:1. Let us respect God and seek for his grace.

Did Moses trust in God?

Moses trusted God but made excuses to escape from his crimes. We glorify God when we trust him. We cannot behave and reason like Moses did at the burning bush with a selfish or subtle excuse which would have destroyed or hurt the entire population of the Israelites in Egypt. The Jews would have remained in slavery and bondage or servitude in Egypt. When Moses finally accepted the task, God was glorified. He demonstrated true leadership in Egypt and on their journey to the promised land. He did not show any alleged weaknesses or his feigned ignorance of who God is. 

God’s ways and his thoughts are different from ours, Isaiah 55:8. God needs your supposed weakness for his glory and honour. We are unique tools in God’s hands. We must resist the devil, rebuke him and he will flee from us just as Jesus did to him, James 4:7. Stop leaning on wobbling excuses as Moses did.


Lord Jesus, I am ready for your work. What will thou have me to do? Send me and I will go. Make me an effective tool in your mighty hand. Thank you Lord Jesus, Amen!!

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