We read from the bible in Joshua chapter one and two that the people of Israel hoped that Joshua would lead them in all the battles against all the Canaanites but that was not to be in God’s sight and wisdom. When Joshua died at the age of 110years, the battle still raged on.

Reckoning of time

God’s decisions are not regulated by human time or convenience. We can’t rush God under any circumstance but rather learn to be patient and wait on the Lord. They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, Isaiah 40:31. Out of fear and anxiety, Israel turned to the Lord in wisdom and in humility for his intervention to possess the remaining strongholds of the Canaanites. Where do we turn to in times of crises?

Choice of leadership

The Lord’s replacement for the Israelites was Judah. He was not what they expected Judah himself lacked confidence just like Moses did when God chose him to lead his people out of Egypt in the exodus. Judah asked his brother Simeon to assist him just as Moses asked his brother Aaron to help him. 

We cannot predict God or his ways. God does not go by man’s logic or reasoning. God’s choice will however get us to our destination always at the appropriate time. God remains in charge always without abandoning us. He is with us always even until the end of the world, Matthew 28:20

God’s promise

Judah led Israel to defeat the remaining strongholds of Canaan numbering over 35 as is recorded in Joshua 1:12-14. Those who assisted Israel with direction in their battles were in the end rewarded with life for them and their families. What assistance are you giving to God and his people in this battle of life while you have breath, able and agile? God expects the best of you now.

Temptations in victory

After conquest, Israel put the Canaanites to forced labour but did not drive them away as God instructed them to do. The Israelites rather dwelt with some of them. Israel turned from God and relied on its own physical or human strength. Caleb for instance, instead of trusting God in battle, rather pledged his daughter in marriage to anyone who could defeat Kiriathsepher. Israel accepted and practiced the culture of the Canaanites and hereby adulterated and offended God in gross disobedience.

God’s instructions for battle

God loves his people and is committed to honour his promise to them. In return God instructed Israel not to make any covenant with the inhabitants of the land of Canaan and if they did, he would break down their altars. They stubbornly disobeyed God because they thought their hands had fetched them the victory in battle. How do you relate to God in times of success or victory? Victory should make us sober and appreciate God more rather than rebellion against him.

How God takes over your battle

God will always make his position clear for any battle. You just have to listen and comply. It is also God who chooses the leader in battle and how it shall be fought. Do not evaluate it from your subjective and limited human wisdom. Do not discount anybody God appoints as a leader for he alone knows the way, the nature of the battle and the strength and purpose of his chosen leader. 

Supporting God’s battle comes with a reward so do not be left out or hesitate to assist in his service. Do not also mislead God’s people for it will come with a curse of destruction, not life. Simply trust him to do what is needful according to his will, not yours.


Lord Jesus, your ways and thoughts are higher than mine so please humble me to accept your instructions in battle always that I may find comfort in thee. Amen!!

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