Jesus continued to teach the Lord’s Prayer saying from Matthew 6:9-13; Luke 11:2-4:

Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven

Any time we pray, we must be reminded of God’s will. God’s will can be summarized as God’s written words in the bible; and God’s divine instructions through other mediums like dreams, vision, prophecy, audible instructions,  revelations, and via other God’s approved channels etc. God’s will can be known and obeyed when we read and meditate on his words, fellowship and determine to obey him. 

How many of us read the bible daily or meditate on the word daily or wait on God daily without rush? Joshua 1:8 says this book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shall meditate on it day and night, that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it; for then you shall make your way prosperous, and then you shall have good success. This is how to know God’s will and to obey.

God’s will is a dual effort from us and God. On our part, we must have the conviction of sin; accept that we are sinners who need repentance; ask Jesus for cleansing and pardon in his precious blood; invite Jesus into our hearts to rule and reign as Lord and master; and determine to live aright with selfless devotion by the guidance and support of the Holy Spirit. God does his part after we have surrendered to him. This is God’s will and so is it in heaven. Jesus said,” repent and believe in the gospel”, Mark 1:15.

We cannot do God’s will on earth if we do not know what his will is? We will fail the test of his will without obedience, dedication and absolute surrender with faith and trust. A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways, and must not expect to receive anything from the Lord, James 1:7. God’s will is done in heaven as he instructs. Are we ready to heed God’s instructions?         

We displease God when we fail to do his will as in heaven but honour God when we obey him. God knows our stone hearts as recorded in Genesis 6:5 that the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. Man’s heart has continued to be so to date. We cannot do God’s will with such heart.  

Jesus knew that God’s will as was done in heaven was different from what we do on earth. Because Jesus wants us to inherit eternal life, it was his prayer that the Holy Spirit will aid, strengthen and perfect our weaknesses to do God’s will on earth as in heaven. It is a prayer of confession that we cannot obey God’s will without God’s support. 

Do we call for God’s support to do his will as in heaven? Time is fast running out and without doing God’s will, we will perish. Unless we repent, we will likewise perish, Luke 13:3-5. It is not too late to render a meaningful prayer from the heart in accordance with God’s will. 


Lord Jesus, we are ready and willing to do your will as it is in heaven. Save our weaknesses and help our unbelief. Thank you Jesus, Amen!!

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