The life of Moses is recorded from Exodus 2 to Deuteronomy 34. Moses is considered as one of the greatest prophets of Israel and Christianity of all times. Undoubtedly, he was one of the greatest prophets of Israel. He was the likeness of Jesus in the Old Testament. Every stage of his life offers us a wonderful opportunity to appreciate God in a better light. 

The birth of Moses

Moses’ birth is recorded in Exodus chapter 2. He was born at a time the people of Israel looked up for rescue from slavery in Egypt. Moses’ birth marked the start of the liberation process. Everybody has the purpose for his birth and you must with prayer and patience discover yours. We must not be envious of someone’s purpose because our purpose may be different yet very useful in God’s sight. Have you discovered the purpose of your birth and to what extent have you employed the same to the glory of God? 

God also heard the cry of the Israelites yet it took Moses to mature before God commanded him to liberate his people out of Egypt. Though God hears our prayer, yet he does not rush to satisfy us according to our time schedule but his. During the waiting period, God exposed Moses to competent leadership. The silence of God does not mean inaction or neglect but a preparation for an irreversible victory. Anxiety and complaints are therefore unnecessary when dealing with God. 

Circumstances of Moses’ birth

At Moses’ birth, the King had decreed that all first-born sons of Israel were to be killed. The enemy knows our potential even before our birth and without sleep he schemes to frustrate or obliterate God’s purpose for our lives. The enemy is most glad if we die so young because then God’s agenda dies with us. We must be sensitive to God’s voice and alert to his direction concerning our children and our lives as well, for the enemy is like a roaring lion. 

At the age of three months, Moses could no longer be hidden so he was placed in a basket of reeds on the Nile near where Pharaoh’s daughter used to wash. At some stage in our lives, material care cannot protect us. Those that we count on will one day be unable to support us because of several challenges in life some of which may be outside their control. It will take only God to come to our rescue. We must renew our minds to accept the insufficiency of man in all circumstances.

Pharaoh’s daughter discovered Moses and adopted him as her son. That wisdom or thought that Moses should be placed near where Pharaoh’s daughter could discover him was divine knowledge. God gives divine wisdom in times of crises. We only have to train our minds to be receptive to God’s messages. God also sometimes blesses or elevates us through those we call our enemies. Our enemies are for our good so we must be thankful in all situations and soberly reflect on God’s purpose for that event. God’s wisdom is above ours so we must not hate anyone until we know God’s real purposes in any event. 

Moses’ upbringing

Moses was first raised by his mother under Jewish culture and tradition and subsequently in Pharaoh’s house as a royal under Egyptian culture and tradition, Exodus 2:9-10. God prepares us for the task he has for us in life based on the nature, place, time or conditions of the task or purpose. Moses lived in and dealt with people of multiple cultures so he needed to appreciate and understand them in order to be successful. We must be ready when God changes our comfort zone. It is for a relevant future purpose.

Moses’ dual training gave him dual allegiance or citizenship to appreciate the conflict of culture between his Egyptian culture and his Hebrews culture. Only God appoints Kings and leaders after he has prepared them. We must not be forced to occupy certain positions of honour without God’s preparation. We also need to understand and appreciate our neighbours for there are so many lessons we can learn from them. Their presence in our lives is by God’s design for our lives so we must not disparage others as inferior but appreciate God for the privileges we have which others do not have.  


I pray dear Lord that the life of Moses your servant should guide me to have a closer walk with you always in obedience and reverence through Jesus Christ your only begotten son. Amen!!

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