Moses’ murderous act

Moses out of impatience or had deep seated rage, killed an Egyptian who was molesting a Jew, Exodus 2:11-15. Moses got exposed so he vacated his royal home, his adopted identity and absconded as a fugitive to Median. We cannot hide sin forever. It would be exposed or uncovered one day though we may not know how and when. A hidden offense may be exposed when we least suspect and at the time of a major opportunity or breakthrough in life. We may not know our lapses in trying to cover our offenses or those who are witnesses to them and would expose them later. No act of sin can be hidden from God.

Rage or unbridled anger is also the seat of destruction. It makes both the angered and his victim reviled by society. It destroyed Moses’ future with Pharaoh and his immediate pleasure with God. It will also destroy us and all that we have toiled for in life if we court the same. Just as Moses lost his freedom and security, we may also fall victims if we are not cautious in whatever position or circumstances that we may find ourselves. Courting anger or rage destroys our ability to reason, impairs our conscience, questions our maturity and inhibits our prayers. Destructive anger is ungodly so though we may be angry yet we must not give in to sin. God has given us sufficient grace we need to overcome anger.

Moses as a sojourner

Moses sojourned in Median as a shepherd to Jethro, the priest of Median. In spite of the sharp transition from a royal to a shepherd, Moses relied on God in trust, Exodus 2:15-22. Moses had an opportunity to learn humility, how to live with or without nothing and the rudiments of a shepherd. This included discipline, bravery, vigilance, care, love, patience, tolerance and of service. If Moses was to be a future leader of a rebellious or inconsistent group who were under an unplanned exodus to taste of freedom, then he needed to understand the rudiments of life and human behavior aside the royal leadership. 

This exposure also made Moses to be not only a good leader but an effective intercessor for his people before God. Nothing comes by chance but by God’s plan if we trust in him. God provides us with every opportunity to learn and excel in life if we would only accept every situation as a perfect fit in God’s plan for our lives. God gives us hope in every seemingly hopeless situation. We must give thanks in every situation for God’s purpose of exposure. We must not discount any situation as hopeless. It was here that Moses also had his wife and a son. God blesses us in disguise.   

Moses and the burning bush

As a shepherd, Moses encountered the burning bush where the Lord spoke to him to negotiate with Pharaoh and lead the Israelites out of Egypt, Exodus 2:23-25; 3:1-10. Moses’ encounter with God made him know that God was real, that his presence is holy and must be observed as such, that it was God who had chosen him as a leader. He was obedient to God and trusted him. He got to know and distinguish God’s voice.  These made Moses walk closer to God. An encounter with God should change our focus, faith, attitude and appreciation for who he is. We must not boast but be humble since he has chosen us by grace in spite of our faults. We must distinguish his voice, obey his commands and reverence him as Moses did if we are to maintain a walk with him. God is holy and we must relate with him in the beauty of his holiness. 

When God called Moses to liberate the Israelites, he gave many excuses why he was not qualified for that task, Exodus 3:11-10; 4:1. Moses alleged he did not know God, they would not believe him, he was not eloquent, he was slow in speech and of tongue, who was he to stand before Pharaoh and that he had uncircumcised lips. God provided him with signs and miracles and also complimented his alleged inadequacy with the presence of Aaron as his prophet and he as a God before Pharaoh. God’s calling accepts no excuses or claims of human weaknesses. God solely chooses the time, venue and mode of his encounter with us so we must not boast. An encounter with God extinguishes all fears, doubts and human weaknesses. God considers our past, present and future to prepare us for his task.


Lord Jesus, forgive me of all pain and injury that I have committed against my neighbours. I cannot run from my sins forever. I have heard their voices and seen their plight. I have come back in obedience. Use me as you will to your honour and glory. I thank you Jesus for an answered prayer. Amen!!

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