Moses’ signs and wonders in Egypt

God used miracles, signs and wonders to liberate the Hebrews or Israelites from slavery in Egypt, Exodus 4-13. To the ungodly, the only language he understands is signs or wonders. God therefore used this medium to reach and convince Pharaoh to release the Israelites. The language of God’s people is however prayer and faith with or without miracles, signs or wonders. On the contrary, some Christians have rather taken to the language of unbelievers. We cannot unilaterally change our heavenly language for we cannot be equally yoked with unbelievers. We can only communicate with God in his approved language.

God sent many different plagues and signs at different times and different places. Each plague was devastating yet Pharaoh was stubborn in heart so God punished Pharaoh and the Egyptians. God will punish every stubborn heart that is opposed to his command in order to demonstrate that he is the Lord God Almighty and the Lord of Host. Although God has given us our freedom of choice, we our however accountable for the way we exercise it. A way that may seem right to man may rather result in his death. Signs or miracles are for God’s purpose so we must be inquisitive to know. Because signs come from God, we must not claim the glory. We are only unworthy servants or tools in God’s hand. 

Moses’ parting of the Red Sea

God parted the Red Sea for the Israelites to cross on dry land, Exodus 14:21-25. This happened when Pharaoh chased the Israelites to come back after he had reluctantly allowed them to leave Egypt. There was no hope of escape for the Red Sea was in front of them which they could not cross and behind them were Pharaoh and his army. On the east and west were mountains they could not climb. It was a perilous moment. The miracle confirmed that God is above all challenges, that he provides a relief where it appears impossible, that fear and doubt do not restrict his plan, that his enemies are subject to his authority, and that he only knows the way out of our situation.

The Israelites out of fear and panic at the crossroads complained that it would be better if they died in Egypt. They did not have faith nor understand God nor knew God’s plan of escape. To them they faced death but God saw it differently. God does not always work with our faith to rescue us from our enemies. He does so based on his plan and founded on his grace, mercy and love. God save the Israelites not out of their good works. He punished Pharaoh and his army because they disparaged him. Pharaoh focused on the benefits from the Israelites rather than obeying God. Pharaoh also set preconditions for releasing the Israelites which was that the Israelites were to leave behind their cattle etc. and go empty handed. God does not abhor ill-gotten wealth or cheating.

Providing water from rocks

When the Israelites became thirsty and there was no water in the wilderness, Moses struck the rock in Horeb and water gushed out to satisfy their thirst, Exodus 17:6. God was the living water for them. God will always refresh our thirst when we seek him in any circumstances or at any time. God allows a need so that we can approach him for a solution. Needs are also part of life with God as the remedy.

Moses struck the rock twice instead of once as God had commanded him, Numbers 20:11-12. God said Moses did so for lack of trust in him consequently he will not see the promised land. Moses’ lack of trust may have come from frustration or that he found God’s instructions as too simplistic or illogical or that he wanted to attract attention. God did not deserve such treatment because Moses had experienced enough of God’s power. God is a jealous God and will not share his glory with anyone. Moses focused on the problems rather than God. God requires strict humility, obedience and trust in all circumstances. We must avoid the mistakes of Moses if we want to see God’s promise fulfilled in our eyes.


Dear Lord, I do not need signs and wonders but faith and trust in you. Refresh my thirsty and dry soul with your living waters to keep me from the vicissitudes of life. Thank you Jesus for answered prayer. Amen!!

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