Jesus demonstrated that the life of a Christian is one of prayer. This is because we engage or encounter more with the spiritual than physical in battle in our daily lives. Jesus knew this fact so he dedicated his life to prayer. The Apostle Paul also encouraged us to pray without ceasing. Jesus’ reasoning is as follows:

Maintaining quality time with God

A worthy child always needs the attention of his father, so did Jesus with God. It is a principle of necessity for good parenting and upbringing. A break in communication is a break in fellowship with God.  Therefore, Jesus always started his day with prayers, Mark 1:35. In the evening also, he repeated this attitude of prayer, Luke 6:12. These are quality times with the Father in order to renew their bond. Today, we spend very limited time with God when we are rather exhausted.

Seeking God’s direction

This world is not our home. We are strangers just passing through. Jesus, knowing this fact, always sought God’s direction as his unfailing compass. Right from inception of his ministry on earth, he devoted to prayer at his baptism, Like 3:21. Thereafter, he continued with prayer and fasting, Luke 5:16. Most of us have missed the direction to our calling because we have neglected to pray as required. Without prayer as Jesus did, we will continue to miss the treasure without any sense of direction. Do we really spend time with God for His direction in our lives?

Interceding for us

Jesus knew the weaknesses and needs of his followers so he relentlessly prayed for them. This is a mark of a true friend who cares. Jesus always listened and observed; and coupled with his divine nature, he knew his followers better than they knew themselves. Any time Jesus saw his followers, he had compassion on their needs so he retired into the mountain to intercede for them that the Lord may meet them at the point of their needs, Mark 6:46

Jesus prayed for us that we may be kept out of evil, John 17:15; that we may be consecrated in truth, John 17:19; that God should give us a Counselor, John 14:16; that our faith may not fail, Luke 22:32; and for our unity and togetherness, John 17:11.  Do we intercede on behalf of others? He taught the disciples to avert temptation through prayer, Matthew 26:41; and to overcome their enemies by prayer, Matthew 5:44.

Renewing his strength

We are fallible and prone to temptations. Jesus in human flesh was not excused from these challenges except that he knew how to overcome it by prayer. In times of failing strength, he devoted to prayer. When he faced crucifixion, he devoted to intense prayer in the garden of Gethsemane and encouraged his disciples to do likewise, Matthew 26:36-44. He resorts to prayer when the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak, Mark 14:38. He taught his disciples to devote to prayer in times of deliverance, Mark 9:29. Strength comes from God and only He can provide. Let us turn to Him in the face of crises and adversity.

Reinforcing his identity

We can succeed only when we know who we are. The full knowledge of who we are is however beyond human comprehension. It can only be discovered through prayers. Jesus, after devoting to prayer asked the disciples, who do people say that I am and who do the disciples say Jesus is, Luke 9:18? This is because he had sought God’s intervention to open the minds of his disciples, specifically Peter, John and James in prayer, Luke 9:28. Indeed Jesus’ true identity was also revealed at the transfiguration which was in an atmosphere of prayer, Luke 9:29. Do you know who you are and your purpose in this life?  If you do not know, devote yourself to prayer.


Lord, may your spirit lead me in devotion to prayer that I may be like Jesus. Amen!!!

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