Each and every plague which God inflicted upon Pharaoh and Egypt is relevant for our spiritual growth. It is for all generations to appreciate God’s wisdom and authority. The wonders are sometimes self-explanatory or miracles in themselves beyond human comprehension. 

7th Plague: Rain of hail, fire and thunder – Exodus 9: 13-35

The hail was a combination or mixture of ice and fire, which was very unusual. Hail and fire are opposite natural occurrences. Hail was ice balls in nature whilst fire was known to burn down what was in its path. Therefore hail and fire ordinarily could not co-exist at the same time in the same place as one would extinguish the other. However, in this plague, both fire and ice rained at the same time giving rise to another miracle.

The hail and fire came down from heaven which killed humans, animals, destroyed fields and trees and their crops which were ready for harvest. These inexplicable divine events proved that Moses was God’s messenger and that the Hebrew God was awesome. The rain of hail and fire from heaven or the sky symbolized God’s direct visitation of truth or purity from his dwelling in heaven. The hail or snow balls stood for purity whilst the fire stood for cleansing therefore both were symbols for cleansing and purification in the land of Egypt. Thunders were also associated with God’s presence and anger.

Daniel 12: 10 says many shall purify themselves, and make themselves white, and be refined; but the wicked shall do wickedly; and none of the wicked shall understand; but those who are wise shall understand. 1 Corinthians 3: 15 also says if any man’s work is burned up, he will suffer loss, though he himself will be saved, but only through fire. If God were to visit us today as a consuming fire to judge us on righteousness as he did to Pharaoh, will we pass the test or face what Pharaoh suffered? Let us be purified by the Holy Ghost fire and be cleansed as white as snow in the blood of Jesus Christ our Lord.

8th Plague: Swarm of locusts – Exodus 10: 12-15

Locusts symbolized devastation or destruction. God’s warning to Egypt was that their expected joy or hope for the future from their farm labour will be disrupted. Their investments would be a wasted effort and resources which will culminate in hanger in a desolate land. Just as locusts were referred to as uncontainable nuisance, Egypt had become an irrepressible nuisance. They had squandered what God gave to the Jews in God’s sight. God was going to send an invading force to plunder Egypt’s resources which they had garnered from the Jews for about 430 years without further notice. 

For our stubborn hearts, God is also about to unleash devastation on our resources and expected yield. We would suffer negative changes with sad disappointments and reversals in our lives and affairs. God will allow strangers to take away what we have acquired from the sweat of others. We may bequeath tainted assets to our families but they shall be a curse unto those who inherit them. God will also disperse them with a fallow yield. Do we have the heart of Pharaoh or a heart of Christ Jesus? 

Deuteronomy 24: 14-15 say you shall not oppress a hired servant who is poor and needy, whether he is one of your brethren or one of the sojourners who are in your land within your towns. James 2: 6 says but you have dishonoured the poor man. Is it not the rich who oppress you; is it not they who drag you into court? Psalms 41: 1-2 say blessed is he who considers the poor! The Lord delivers him in the day of trouble and does not give him up to the will of his enemies. 

Egypt never considered the poor Jews who always worked under the scorching sun and whipped senselessly with humiliation without just cause. How sensitive are we to the plight of the poor, servants, needy, or the helpless? We must give back the wealth we have made from them as Zacchaeus said in Luke 19: 8. God has entrusted the weak, oppressed and the needy to us for a purpose. If we fail to love them, God will visit us with fire and with locusts. The option is ours to choose. 


Father, as a consuming fire we humbly ask you to purify us within your furnace of righteousness to be as clean and white as snow and hail. Protect us from the invasion of sin through Jesus Christ, Amen!!

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