Throughout scripture, women have been recorded as showing bravery, faith and determination in relationship with God. Mary and Martha are typical examples. They were the first to visit the tomb of Jesus after his crucifixion and announced that he had risen. The woman with the flow of blood had a similar determination to receive her healing publicly as a testimony of who Jesus was. Her story is recorded in Matthew 9: 20-22; Mark 5: 25-34 and Luke 8: 43-48.

She was also the first to show by her encounter with Jesus that we can also reach out to touch Jesus or anything about him and we will receive our total healing regardless of the nature of the illness or affliction. She was the first to demonstrate that with faith and determination, we can reach out and touch Jesus and he will not despise us. James 2: 17 says so faith by itself, if it has no works, is dead. She knew the works of faith so she exercised a living faith in Christ Jesus and had the desired results. She was positive, unrelenting and forward looking in attitude in spite of the health threats she was faced with. The factors that motivated her to touch Jesus were many.

She knew Jesus’ divine nature

The knowledge of Christ Jesus makes us draw closer to him. She touched Jesus because she knew who Jesus was. Jesus asked a question in Matthew 16: 15 that who do you say that I am? This question must be personally answered by all who want to follow Jesus. Peter answered this question in Luke 9: 20 that Jesus was the Christ of God. The woman knew Jesus as spiritually indomitable; the Son of the Most High God; he was God in flesh who dwelt among men; he was the author of our faith; the resurrection and the life; the light of the world; and the only authority over creation. 

She had heard or witnessed the miracles of Jesus and was convinced about them. She desired to also taste the miracles and be part of the worthy testimonies of Jesus and his salvation message of love and sacrifice through grace and mercy. We cannot exercise faith in Jesus without knowing who he is. Do we know Jesus and do we want to be part of his salvation crusade? She had come to an irresistible conclusion that everything about Jesus was a miracle or resulted in a miracle. What conclusions have we also reached in order to have a relationship with Jesus Christ? He is forever the same with compassion.

The fringes of Jesus’ garment appeared to be the lowest part in Jesus’ costume yet it was by no means the least of him. It signified that there is no low point in Jesus. His power flowed throughout everything that connected with him because he was and still is attentive to our needs. Jesus made it so for our easy reach and access. That ease of access encouraged the woman to defile the multitude because she knew Jesus gave equal attention to all who called on him and that God withheld nothing good from his children. 

Our perception of whether or not he sees or hears us does not matter to Jesus. Again, everything about Jesus was affected by his sufficient divine love. Romans 5: 8 says but God shows his love for us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us. Hebrews 8: 12 says for I will be merciful towards their iniquities, and I will remember their sins no more. Jesus forgave the woman and she was healed.

She knew and accepted scripture

She kept Jesus’ word as her source of healing and restoration. Proverbs 7: 2 says keep my commandments and live, keep my teachings as the apple of your eye; bind them on your fingers, write them on the tablet of your heart. She knew Jesus Christ was God’s precious garment. Garments are for a special purpose or significance or importance. It sometimes reflects our image. She knew that touching Jesus’s garment was therefore touching God’s greatest gift of grace, mercy and love.  Sometimes we doubt scripture because we interpret issues from the perspective of human logic.

As God’s garment, Hebrews 1: 3 says Jesus reflects the glory of God and bears the very stamp of his nature, upholding the universe by his word of power. Revelation 21: 11 says of Jesus as having the glory of God, its radiance like a most rare jewel, like a jasper, clear as crystal. We are the garments of Christ Jesus to reflect his honour and glory. The woman wanted to be cleansed by healing so she would attain the glory as a garment of Jesus Christ as scripture says. What is our aspiration with God? We must allow his healing power to flow through us and to make us worthy channels for his deliverance of many.  

Jesus knows and feels our plight when we touch him with knowledge. We can touch and connect with Jesus if we know his mind. Romans 8: 27 says he who searches the hearts of men knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God. When we know the mind of the Spirit, God will grant us access to the workings of his Spirit.    


Lord Jesus Christ, however feeble our faith may be, you are able to complement our weaknesses by your grace. Let your words of hope and assurances and knowledge of you, remain the pivot of our relationship with you. As we stretch out our hands to touch you for our healing, let your peace rest and abide with us in your holy name, Amen!!

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