Though Jesus was crucified under humiliating circumstances, he does not hold us accountable. He still loves us as a merciful and suffering savior. Whilst on the cross Jesus said Father forgive them, for they know not what they do, Luke 23:34. The imprint of savagery on Jesus’ mind is significant.  

The savagery on Jesus

These include among others, the humiliation Jesus suffered. He was betrayed by Jesus with a kiss. He was betrayed by the person with whom he ate together. He was bound on arrest with swords and clubs. He was physically assaulted, slapped, struck on the head, spat upon in the face, lied against falsely, mishandled, molested, scourged, hooted at, and made to carry a heavy cross. He was cruelly or crudely nailed to the cross, denied water, his clothes shared by lot, and crowned with thorns. Jesus was denied justice at the trial in a perverted justice system. 

He was nailed to the cross among criminals as if he was one of them. He was given water mixed with gall. He was given vinegar on a sponge. He was mocked as a king of the Jews and asked to save himself after saving others. In his pain and anguish, they mocked him as calling on Elijah to save him. They wounded his side or ribs with a spear. His own denied and deserted him when he needed them most. He died lonely and a shameful death and without a tomb. These accounts are recorded in Matthew 26-27; Mark 14-16; Luke 22-23; and John 18-19

The mental wounds

The wounds were indelible on Jesus’ mind though he does not hold it against us. They mocked God but God is not mocked, Galatians 6:7. We are subjects of scorn with Christ Jesus. Jesus’ mental scars constantly remind him of our weaknesses and make him capable to intercede for us because he is knowledgeable about our shortcomings at first hand. He understands us better than anyone. He knows the wickedness of the man, and the continuous evil thoughts of his heart, Genesis 6:5. Jesus knows that the imagination of man’s heart is evil from his youth. Having known our weaknesses, Jesus has promised that he will never fail us nor forsake us, Hebrews 13:5

Jesus was nailed to the cross till death and he will be with us till death without deserting us. By these indelible prints on his mind, Paul says Jesus’ grace for us is sufficient and our strength comes to perfect our weakness, 2 Corinthians 12:9. Paul does not want us to conform to this world but to be transformed by the renewal of our minds to prove the will of God, what is good and what is acceptable and perfect, Romans 12:2. He says further in Colossians 3:2 that we must set our minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. If in spite of the mental scars, Jesus loves us then he wants us also to love God with all our hearts, souls and mind, Matthew 22:37

Paul wants us to purify our minds by setting our minds on things not of the flesh which are dead, but to set the mind on the Spirit which is life and peace, Romans 8:6-7. If Jesus’ mental wounds serve as a constant reminder for him to intercede for us, then Paul says we must come to our right minds and sin no more, 1 Corinthians 15:34. Paul says be renewed in the spirit of your minds, Ephesians 4:23. The mind of Jesus Christ is to love us, intercede for us and to reconcile us to God. What mindset do we have for Jesus? Whatever scars or wounds we have, we can bring it to Jesus for he cares for us.  


Lord Jesus, by the indelible scars on your mind, graciously continue to intercede for us to renew our minds in order to focus on things above. In your holy name, Amen!!

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