Paul says in Romans 4:15 that sin is transgression of the law. Therefore sin is simply the transgression of God’s commandment or instructions. Anything that is displeasing to God is a sin. 

The prophet Jeremiah lists some sins which God hates. They include illicit wealth, abuse, exploitation, cheating, illicit wealth or business, perverted judgment or justice, Jeremiah 22:13. Others include covetousness, violence, oppression and inflicting pain, Jeremiah 22:15.

Sin has very unpleasant consequences no matter how long it may take for the consequences to manifest. See Matthew 7:21. There are categories of sin:

Sin of commission

This is when we do what God has instructed not to be done. An example is lust, dishonesty. See Matthew 5:28. Some of the acts of commission that grieve God include violence to a stranger, the fatherless, a widow, shedding innocent blood, covering up sin and unrighteousness, Jeremiah 22:2.

Sin of omission

This is when we fail to do what God has instructed to be done. An example is when we fail to help those in need when in a position to help. See Matthew 25:34-46.

Inherited sin

This is any act of commission or omission of our forefathers and generations before us which they were not confessed or were forgiven or delivered. By virtue of our association or connection as family members, we bear the punishment as beneficiaries of our forefathers. See Exodus 20:5.

Sin of association

This is when we directly or otherwise subscribe to, or when we are associated with any sinful act of others though we may not be actively or directly engaged in it. Once we encourage it by any means or form, we become guilty of same. An example is knowingly benefiting from tainted money or proceeds of crime. Whoever knows what is right to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin, James 4:17. 

Unconscious sin

We sometimes offend God without being conscious of it. An act done without being conscious of it does not right the wrong. It is however sufficient to acknowledge that we do unconsciously err so we could ask for forgiveness through the blood of Jesus Christ which is the essence of his death on the cross of Calvary. The bible says that we shall render account of every careless word we utter on the judgment day, Matthew 12:36. At the judgment, we shall be reminded of all our deeds. 

Sin of the heart

This is any desire of the heart or mind that is at variance with God’s word though not physically manifest or visible to the human eye. An example is lust of the flesh. Jesus said, but I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart, Matthew 5:28. This includes contemplated acts which are not in accordance with God’s will whether or not it is carried out.

Sin by nature

We are sinners by virtue of our birth as human beings. We are born into sin so we are fallible from birth. The psalmist says in Psalms 51:5 that, Behold I was brought forth in iniquity, and in sin did my mother conceive me. This is why Jesus came to die for us because man’s wickedness is great and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart is only evil continually, Genesis 6:5.

God’s nature when we sin

Even in sin, God does not desert us but continues to remind us of our choice between eternal life and eternal damnation, Jeremiah 21:8. God always shows us the way out in order to vacate our association with a sinful environment, Jeremiah 21:9-10. God requires of us to expose sin without any cover up, Jeremiah 21:11-12. We are to flee from sin.


Lord Jesus, heal my weakness of sin that I may serve you with delight in righteousness and holiness all the days of my life. Amen!!

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