Many doubt what happens when Jesus speaks into our situation. Many wonder what they hear as happening when Jesus speaks. Some say Jesus does not even speak at all. We know that Jesus speaks in His capacity as Lord and Saviour of mankind. When He speaks, the following happen:- 

To confirm His legitimacy

Jesus is the second part of the Trinity God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. He together with the Father created all things but does not equate Himself with the Father. For this reason, when He speaks, even the winds and the sea obey him, Matthew 8:27 for they know who Jesus is. 

Jesus always speaks with power and authority. His power reflects His irresistible command over His creation by virtue of His nature. His authority reflects the legitimacy of His power that originates from the Father who is God Head of the trinity. 

If the wind and the sea without eyes or ears obey Jesus and submit to His command when He speaks, who is man with eyes and ears to disobey Jesus when He speaks? He has given us enough time to repent because he would not be friendly on the day of judgment.

To show the way of life

Jesus began His ministry with words of invitation for our repentance because His presence brought the Kingdom of God to us at first hand. It is a call to us to bear fruit that befits repentance, Matthew 3:2 and verse 8. It is a call to redemption from darkness into His marvelous light because He does not want our souls to perish. It is an assurance of restoration of faith in God and life hereafter. 

Jesus speaks to focus our minds on heavenly things rather than earthly perishable treasures. Our relationship with God is restored and normalized through His blood. Jesus said if you would enter eternal life, keep the commandments, Matthew 19:17. When Jesus speaks, we are clothed with heavenly calmness, peace and tranquility because he knows our situation. 

To demonstrate affection

Jesus speaks to our situation out of love and compassion to liberate us from affliction and to free those with diseases, pains, epileptics, paralysis and to heal the blind, Matthew 4:23-24. When He speaks demoniacs and the spiritually bound in infirmity are exorcised, the sick are healed, the dead are raised to life, lepers are cleansed, and demons are cast out, Matthew 10:8.

When Jesus speaks, the blind receive their sight, the lame walk, lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear and the dead are raised up, and the poor have good news preached to them, Matthew 11:5. Jesus gave His life as ransom for many, Matthew 20:28; also Mark 10:45 so He proved this when He spoke life into the ruler’s dead daughter, Matthew 9:24-25; Luke 8:49-55; when He healed the boy with a convulsed spirit, Mark 9:25-27; and when he raised Lazarus from the dead after being dead for four days, John 11:14-44

Family life was dear to Jesus so He spoke to us about God’s perspective of a family encompassing mother and brother, which is only those who do the will of God, Matthew 12:46-49. He also taught how to reconcile broken family relationships, Matthew 5:23-25; forgiveness, Matthew 7:3-5; steps towards reconciliation in God, Matthew 18:15-17

To confront the enemy

Jesus knowing who the enemy is speaks to expose his character which is to kill, steal and destroy, John 10:10. On the contrary, Jesus came to give life and more abundantly to us. In confronting the enemy, Jesus spoke to proclaim release to the captives, Luke 4:8. Jesus pronounced the woman with a spirit of infirmity for eighteen years and could not straighten up free, Luke 13:12

They brought to Him many who were possessed with demons and he cast out the spirits with a word and healed all who were sick, Matthew 8:16; The demons in the mad man begged Jesus not to cast them away but allow them into the herd of swine from the madman and He cast them out, Matthew 8:28-33. Jesus cast out the demons in the dumb man and he spoke, Matthew 9:23.


Lord Jesus, it is time to speak into my situation. As my Lord and Saviour, there is no situation beyond you to solve. I am ready, speak now and in your mercy locate me. I surrender my all to you. Have your way with me through your precious blood. Amen!!

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